Adjustable Bases
Adjustable Bases are the hottest selling sleep accessory! Lake Country Bed Barn has one of the top selling adjustable base salesman for our vendor, Nick! Why is that? He shows you how you can use an adjustable base to help your body feel better so you can sleep better! We got together to show you how you can position an adjustable bed to help you sleep and feel better.
If you suffer from any of the following an adjustable base can help you feel better. Even if you don't an adjustable base can help you feel better. There is not one person who cannot feel the advantage to owning an adjustable base.
Lower Back Pain
Neck and Shoulder Tension
Minor Aches and Pains
Pain from Arthritis
Asthma or other Breathing Problem
Acid Reflux
Swollen Legs or Feet
Back Pain/Neck Pain
Lack of joint mobility
Heart Problems
Restless Legs
Body Fatigue from hard labor